About: admin

Vivamus vel sem at sapien interdum pretium. Sed porttitor, odio in blandit ornare, arcu risus pulvinar ante, a gravida augue justo sagittis ante. Sed mattis consectetur metus quis rutrum. Phasellus ultrices nisi a orci dignissim nec rutrum turpis semper.

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MediaKroton joins the “Codice Italiano pagamenti Responsabili”, promoted by Assolombarda.

MediaKroton joins the “Codice Italiano pagamenti Responsabili”, promoted by Assolombarda. Thanks to Assolombarda, is born a more ethic payment approach: the Codice Italiano Pagamenti Responsabili (CPR). The Code has the aim to improve and reduce the payment terms in Italy. Nowadays a lot of companies have too long and uncertain payment terms. It is fundamental  to stop this negative loop and to transform it into a positive one. Companies joining the CPR code, undertake to respect the terms of payment agreed with their suppliers and to always pay them on time. The CPR Code does not impose maximum payment terms but it requires that the agreed terms would...
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